Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Indignities Continue....

I ask you, does anything in this case say "ballerina cake for a three-year-old"? Do any of these elegant, decadent, chocolate drenched and sometimes boozy cakes suggest toddlers or ballerinas?
I suppose it's a compliment that parents want a cake from us rather than the grocery store. I suppose it's great that parents are encouraging palate development at a young age. But a ballerina cake? For a toddler? Ack. It's so not what we do, so not what we are known for. Ballerinas. WTF.
I have some ideas. I want it to be pretty, something that won't be a source of shame. Just because she's three doesn't mean she has bad taste.


CSD Faux Finishing said...

Takes all kinds my friend lol. I take it you have accepted the commissioned item huh? Definitely interested to see what you come up with.

Bridgete said...

I almost want you to intentionally do a cake wreck. Just out of spite.

Word verification: idaeten. What the toddler will say when she's done with her cake.

disabled account said...

go chef duff and make a ballerina that spins around.

Unknown said...

Equal cake rites for toddlers !!

Who cares if they can't drool with understanding as long as they pay.................and they drool regardless...hahahahahahahah