Friday, February 22, 2008

pie's the limit

My friend Mollie is a writer and editor, mostly non-fiction. She's going into production on her second cookbook, and offered me the job of recipe tester. For a book of pie - lots and lots of pie. All to be done in rather short order, as the book is due to be published in July.
Each recipe will have to be done at least once, probably more. If you're in the Denver area, and want some pie or know someone who does..........
It's going to be a challenge, following recipes exactly. Not substituting ingredients. Taking painstaking notes, writing them up so that someone who does not share my brain will understand them and be able to have a happy experience baking pie. Figuring out how to fill in the forms on computer and email them to Mollie......
Naturally, this opportunity coincides with a six week spazzalanche at work - easter production, regular production, 0ne partner out of town every other week, possibly building out the new kitchen, breaking in the intern.......if you need me, I'll be in the kitchen.


disabled account said...

pie! pie! everywhere a pie!

let me know if there's a strawberry pie and yes, i will take many pies to work.

are you going to keep a photo journal? mollie could use them in the book and you could get royalties or some shiz.

pastrywitch said...

yeah, photos - good idea :) and, there is a strawberry pie - but it's loaded with dairy. however, the peach pie and the cherry pie are not.......

disabled account said...

i like peaches and cherries!